Who Is The Veggie Pilot?

I am an airline pilot living in Redondo Beach, CA. who loves cooking. Since starting for the airlines in 2012, I have always worked toward making meals that were healthy and convenient to bring to work. My creations have garnered attention from coworkers who have tasted them while on the road. A couple years ago I became more serious about fitness and started creating dishes around macro goals i.e. grams of protein, carbs and calories. After some trial and error, I became adept at meeting macro nutrient goals even while traveling for five days straight. I had created a sustainable diet to stay fit while still not depleting my energy. Before the airlines, I was living in the Middle East for two years having lots of adventures and eating lots of great food. I spent time in both Dubai and Kabul, Afghanistan while living abroad. Each city offered a unique experience and each gave me a new perspective on the world. Since returning to the States, I have lived all over the country making friends in each place. I spend my off time now surfing, reading, cooking and of course eating. While working a trip, I am always in search of the best Indian and Mexican restaurants in each city. 


Contact us: Matt@veggiepilot.com

Facebook & Instagram: @theveggiepilot