A big announcement!
Veggiepilot.com is proud to announce that 100% of our profits from our Amazon Affiliation will be going directly to The Boys and Girls Club of the South Bay. This Boys and Girls Club is in Harbor City, CA. If you are unfamiliar with the Boys and Girls Club, it is a wonderful after school and Summer program for kids all over the country. It is a safe, fun environment for children to spend their time if their parents are working late. Their parents only pay $1 a year to send them there so everyone can afford it. This particular Boys and Girls Club is desperate for funding. Any donations to this club make a big difference. With all my blog posts, I will reccomend certain products which, for the most part, can be purchased through Amazon.com. If you buy something, a portion of the sale will go to Veggiepilot.com which, we will then give directly to the Club.